Breaking bread
Happy holidays! As we break bread together, it is apropos that we talk about how we grow the food we share. Some years ago, my most environmentally-minded collaborators began proselytizing the virtues of regenerative agriculture. Not immediately swayed, I then saw Kiss the Ground - the brilliant documentary that illuminates the immediate necessity to reverse our accepted mode of soil degradation. I wasn't learning in a vacuum. People on both sides of the aisle and from diverse backgrounds and red and blue states heard the rally cry - healthy soil can foster healthy gut microbiomes, sequester carbon, clean and absorb water, minimize run off, support respectful animal husbandry, revitalize communities, create generational resilience, and nurture lasting change. I am in awe of the many leaders who are prioritizing this transformation, so this month we are focused on highlighting some inspiring people and projects. We are also creating a listserv for Near Futurists who want to sow the better seeds together.
Wishing you the most abundant holidays filled with health, love, and peace,
Zem & team