Breaking bread
Happy holidays! As we break bread together, it is apropos that we talk about how we grow the food we share. Some years ago, my most environmentally-minded collaborators began proselytizing the virtues of regenerative agriculture. Not immediately swayed, I then saw Kiss the Ground - the brilliant documentary that illuminates the immediate necessity to reverse our accepted mode of soil degradation. I wasn't learning in a vacuum. People on both sides of the aisle and from diverse backgrounds and red and blue states heard the rally cry - healthy soil can foster healthy gut microbiomes, sequester carbon, clean and absorb water, minimize run off, support respectful animal husbandry, revitalize communities, create generational resilience, and nurture lasting change. I am in awe of the many leaders who are prioritizing this transformation, so this month we are focused on highlighting some inspiring people and projects. We are also creating a listserv for Near Futurists who want to sow the better seeds together.
Wishing you the most abundant holidays filled with health, love, and peace,
Zem & team
Enhancing our environmental, social, and physical wellbeing, Dhun is a regenerative habitat designed for people who seek community living, continuous learning, and holistic wellbeing. The 500 acre bioreserve in Jaipur will be built by synthesizing traditional knowledge systems and exponential technologies, to leave a net-positive impact. Watch here.
Aiming to transform California into the world's first regenerative economy, Regenerative California is launching their pilot program in Monterey County where they will collaborate across sectors such as food, housing, marine, and tourism.
Through storytelling and education Farmer's Footprint aims to inspire collective action toward a more sustainable food system, free of harmful farming practices. Having recently launched The Garden Club, you too can learn how to grow your own food and have access to online tutorials and events.
Regeneration does not end with food. Ecofashion pioineer, Marci Zaroff and her team at Ecofashion Corp are promoting regenerative practices in the textiles space. Their India-based RESET project works closely with cotton farmers to address soil health, biodiversity, and climate change.
Aiming to improve business and help farmers flourish, FARMpreneurs is launching a week-long educational regenerative program in Sonoma County where farmers will work together to define business strategy, clarify mission & values, prototype innovations, and much more.
Celebrating California's first Afro-Indigenous permaculture center nestled in Sonoma County, EARTHseed serves as a working farm, educational center, and retreat site, where communities can gather, have access to fresh produce and reconnect with their traditional practices.
Last month, Kiss The Ground announced $500K in direct-to-farmer grants, making this a tasty milestone in their 11-year journey to a regenerative future. Amplifying the voices of ranchers and farmers, see their collection of short educational stories: click here.